Tuesday 29 December 2009

Age of Bulugh for women (6 - final final!)

Just a short blog to say that in addition to Ayatullah Saanei, Ayatullah Fadlallah has the same opinion and I'd just like to quote his main (3 volume) risala - [note that this is a book of laws and most 3 volume risalas don't have reasoning but his has a basic reasoning]. I noticed this as I was checking something that a friend asked for me:

"As for women, the widely held opinion is that she reaches the age of taklif [having to perform all the wajibat...etc.] dependent on her age (specifically reaching the age of 9). However, what is apparent from the evidence, is that she reaches [this age of taklif] when she gets her period. In one of the narrations that mention 9, it even says: "and that is because she gets her period at 9". Similarly, it says in narrations about the idda period, when it discusses about those for whom there is no idda period: "...'what is the limit of it [having to wait for the idda [period]'? When she has not reached 9". From here, we can infer that 9 is the age that is distinctly mentioned because it is the age at which a girl gets her period, other than in exceptional situations; the issue of bulugh is thus about the period, regardless of whether the age is mentioned or not. For this reason, it is clearer [than any alternative] that a girl becomes responsible for her actions, if she reaches 13 lunar years, or sees the blood of period before then. However, it is still better to encourage a girl to perform the important rituals in shar'i law, especially hijab and prayers after reaching 9 lunar years (=8 years and 9 months in Christian calendar)"

(Source: http://arabic.bayynat.org.lb/kotob/fekhalshari3a-1.pdf, page 5)

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