Saturday 9 July 2022

Shaykh Haidar Hobbollah - an introduction to his way of thinking (4/4)

In the previous blogs, we discussed the way that Shaykh Haidar Hobbollah approaches fiqh, and how it differs from many others. This is important to understand his way of thinking, but what's also interesting is the ramifications of this approach on his view of specific fiqh rulings.

This blog seeks to answer this very question i.e. how do his differences in approach, manifest in the derivation of Islamic laws?

Shaykh Hobbollah has a Telegram channel where he shares his perspectives on a number of issues. Given the differences in his approach, as laid out above, the majority of the perspectives he has chosen to distribute end up being different from the majority opinion.

I have selected a few examples of his rulings:

  • Mixing between men and women is not problematic in and of itself
  • A person born out of wedlock (walad al-zina) is allowed to lead prayers
  • It is allowed to shake the hand of the opposite gender
  • It is allowed to eat all animals from the sea, including non-fish, and fish without scales; although it is better to avoid the latter ihtiyat istihbabi, and you should avoid cat-fish (al-jarrith) and al-marmahi as an obligatory precaution (ihtiyat luzumi)
  • Wine, beer etc. are all tahir (although prohibited to drink)
  • The person who is doing the halal slaughter of an animal, does not have to be Muslim (but they should do the slaughter in the Halal way and mention Allah at slaughter)
  • It is not required to follow the most learned (a’lamiyya is not a condition of a marja’)
  • There is no requirement for a judge to be a man
  • You do not have to recite a full surah after Surah Fatiha in prayers (better to be at least 3 verses)
  • It is not inherently wrong to dance or clap (although inciting arousal is forbidden)
  • There is no evidence that a woman travelling without a mahram man is forbidden
  • It is allowed to play with tools of gambling (including with dice), and chess (as long as there is no gambling)
  • It is forbidden for the husband and the wife (same rule) to leave the house when it infringes on their marital rights. If it does not infringe on their marital rights, then there is no prohibition
  • Shaving the beard is not forbidden
  • All humans are tahir

If there are any specific rulings of his which you would like to understand further, please message me or comment below, and if available, I'll add a short summary of how he derives his opinion. 

I hope these short posts prove useful in understanding inside the mind of Shaykh Hobbollah!


His daily rulings:

Mixing between men and women:

Illegitimate person can lead prayers:

Shaking the hands of the opposite gender: (also note his 7 lectures on the topic)

Animals from the sea:

Purity of wine, alcohol etc. etc.

Slaughterer does not need to be a Muslim:


Judge can be man or woman:

Full surah after Fatiha:

Dancing and clapping:

Woman travelling without a mahram:

Tools of gambling:

Leaving house: - also see

Shaving the beard:

Purity of all people:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Salam brother Miqdad.
    I've two questions to ask you.

    1. I am curious to know what's the opinion of Sheikh Hobbollah on Khums because I heard that he doesn't believe in dividing Khums only into sahme Imam and sahme sadaat.

    Can you elaborate his view on Khums.

    2. In case of his opinion on shaking hand with opposite gender, does he allowed it absolutely or based on some conditions like 'urf such that if someone lives in a place where shaking hands is common like in US then it's allowed but for places like in Iran or Pakistan, it's prohibited.

    Does he say anything like that?
    I heard he has a paper on this topic comprising of 60+ pages.


  3. I have some translations of summaries of Shaykh Haider’s opinion on these rulings and others. Would you be able to help fixing some of the translation mistakes?
